International Scientific Conference In Uzbekistan On the Academy
of Al-Ma'mun in Khwarazm (X-XI Centuries)
Uzbekistan is planning to organize an international scientific conference dedicated to the 1000 th anniversary from the establishment of the Academy of al-Ma'mun in Khwarazm. The conference will be held at the end of October, 200 6 in Khwarazm.
It is known that Khwarazmshah Ma'mun (b. Ma'mun, governor of Khwarazm, 1009-1017) concentrated at his court a number of eminent scholars, including Abu Mansur (b. Iraq, who lived 977-1010 in Khwarazm), al-Biruni (who lived 1004-1017 in Khwarazm), Ibn Sina (who lived 1004-1010 in Khwarazm), Abu Sakhl al-Masikhi (who died in 1010 in Khwarazm), Abu-l-Khair (b. al-Khammar) and others.
Ma'mun created conditions for the flourishing of the sciences, and the majority of the above-menioned scholars contributed to their development . He supported scientists and sponsored their research in the natural, and humanitarian sciences and was as a generous patron of the arts and connoisseur of literature, fine arts, and music.
Lecturers are invited to take part in this conference on one of the following themes:
Khwarazm as an important scientific and cultural centre of the Medieval East
The role and place of the Academy of Ma'mun in Khwarazm in world civilization
The life, scientific activity, and heritage of the scientists of the Academ y of Ma'mun
Scientific and cultural centres of the Medieval East and their mutual interaction
The activity of the Academy of Ma'mun today: problems and prospects of development
All other subject, connected with the scientific activity of the Academy of Ma'mun in Khwarazm (X-XI cc.) will be also welcomed.
If you would like to participate in this conference, please, send us your CV and am abstract of your paper (Max. 2-3 p.) by September 1, 200 6 .
The Organising Committee will provide expenses for only a few participants. Interested scholars and researchers may contact the Organising Committee of the conference in the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Science, Tashkent.